OSARA (Open Source Accessibility for the REAPER Application) is an extension for Reaper designed to make the software accessible to screen reader users. Originally inspired by the concept of the abandoned ReaAccess extension, OSARA is developed by James Teh and other contributors under the supervision of NV Access Limited.


  • Provides detailed information about tracks and track folders when browsing
  • Reports track mute, solo, arm, input monitoring, phase and volume adjustments
  • Informs about elements when browsing
  • Reports the position of the edit cursor according to measures, beats, pixels, grid units, notes, or at the ends of the project
  • Access to context menus for tracks, elements and time ruler
  • Handling non-contiguous selections of tracks/elements
  • Navigation and selection of chords and notes in the MIDI editor
  • Adjusting the parameters of the automatable effects
  • Monitoring track volume peaks and gain reduction of supported effects

Requirements and Installation

OSARA requires Reaper 6.44 or later, as well as the SWS/S&M extension for some additional actions. On Windows, OSARA uses Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) and UI Automation (UIA), ensuring compatibility with most screen readers.

To download and install OSARA, visit the OSARA development snapshots page. On Windows, simply run the installer after downloading. On Mac, follow the instructions provided in the "Install OSARA.command" file included in the disk image.

For more details on ReaperAccessible KeyMap and keyboard commands, see the documentation on the web site of ReaperAccessible.