DrumAccess (Drum Libraries)

Welcome to the DrumAccess libraries page

We are very happy to present our drum libraries, usable by everyone, but specially designed for the blind.

We recently noticed that several Drum VSTi developers had completely overhauled their interface, rendering their products unusable, even with the LBL extension for NVDA.

We have therefore decided to do without these companies which, despite multiple attempts on our part, remain deaf to taking into account the accessibility of their graphical interfaces.

So we're announcing the release of a series of drum libraries, which we hope will meet all your needs.

Documentation and Tutorials.

Click here to learn how to use DrumAccess.

Technology offers blind musicians a multitude of tools to create, record and produce music. Here's an overview of the main accessible applications that make life easier for blind musicians.

Production and Recording Software

Audio production software is essential for any musician. Here are some of the most accessible:

  • Reaper: Reaper is known for its exceptional compatibility with screen readers thanks to the OSARA extension. It allows deep customization and the use of scripts to automate tasks.
  • Pro Tools: With certain adaptations, Pro Tools can be used by blind musicians, in particular thanks to the documentation and guides created by the community.
  • Logic Pro X: Available on macOS, Logic Pro X offers accessibility features that allow blind musicians to navigate its interface and use its tools effectively.
  • Ableton Live: Starting with Live 12, Ableton Live supports the use of assistive technologies such as screen readers on macOS and Windows. Blind users can use software like VoiceOver on macOS and NVDA, Narrator, and JAWS on Windows to navigate and use the interface effectively. For more information, see Accessibility in Live Overview .

Technological advances and community engagement allow blind musicians to fully express themselves and create music with the same tools as their sighted counterparts. These accessible apps and resources play a crucial role in inclusion and equal opportunities in music.


All product names of other manufacturers are trademarks of their respective owners, who are in no way associated or affiliated with ReaperAccessible.
See full notice here.